Understanding Name Changes in the CRM: A Comprehensive Guide

This article explains how name changes in a CRM are handled, highlighting which updates are automatic and which require manual adjustments to ensure consistency across your account.

When managing your CRM account, one of the common tasks you'll encounter is renaming various elements such as Automations, Campaigns, Contact Tags, and Custom Fields. However, it's important to understand that not all name changes are automatically reflected across the platform. This guide will help you navigate these changes, ensuring that your account remains consistent and up-to-date.

Are Name Changes Automatically Reflected?

No, name changes in the CRM are not always automatically reflected across the platform. The behavior varies depending on the specific feature you're updating. Some changes are automatically applied across your account, while others require manual updates in every area where the original name is used.

Name Changes: Automatic vs. Manual Updates

To help you better understand how name changes work in the CRM, let's break down the process for different platform features:

1. Contact Tags

  • Automatic Updates:
    • Some areas in the CRM will automatically reflect the updated contact tag name.
  • Manual Updates:
    • There are certain parts of the platform where the renamed tag will not be automatically updated. In these instances, you will need to manually edit and update the tag in all relevant areas to ensure consistency.

2. Custom Fields 

  • Automatic Updates:

    • When you rename a custom field, the new name will automatically be reflected in certain areas of your account.
  • Manual Updates:

    • However, there are other areas where the renamed custom field will not be automatically updated. You must manually change the custom field value in each contact and every segment condition that uses that field value.

3. Automation Names

  • Automatic Updates:
    • If you rename an Automation, the new name will automatically populate all relevant areas of your CRM account. This includes:
      • Segment/Advanced Search conditions
      • Automation actions
      • Link Actions
  • Manual Updates:
    • Since Automation names update automatically, no manual updates are required for these changes.

4. Campaign Names

  • Automatic Updates:
    • Similarly, when you rename a Campaign, the updated name is automatically populated across your CRM account. This includes:
      • Segment/Advanced Search conditions
      • Automation actions
      • Automation triggers

5. Links in a Campaign

  • Manual Updates:
    • Updating a link within a campaign is an exception to the general rule. When you update a link, a new object for the updated link is created, but it doesn't replace the old link across your account. Therefore, all segment conditions and other areas that reference the previous URL must be manually updated to use the new URL.

Handy Guide to Name Changes in the CRM

To summarize, here’s a quick reference guide to whether name changes are automatic or manual:

  • Contact Tags: Some updates are automatic, others require manual changes.
  • Custom Fields: Some updates are automatic, others require manual changes.
  • Automation Names: Automatic updates across the platform.
  • Campaign Names: Automatic updates across the platform.
  • Links in Campaigns: Manual updates required across the platform.

Managing name changes in the CRM requires a clear understanding of which elements update automatically and which require manual intervention. By following this guide, you can ensure that your account remains consistent and up-to-date, avoiding potential issues that could arise from outdated tags, custom fields, or links.

For the best results, always double-check your account after making name changes to ensure that everything is correctly updated, particularly in areas where manual updates are required.


  1. What happens if I forget to manually update a renamed tag or custom field?

    • If you forget to manually update a renamed tag or custom field, the old name will continue to be used in segment conditions and automation, which could lead to inconsistencies and errors in your campaigns.
  2. Can I automate the update process for tags or custom fields?

    • Currently, the CRM does not offer an automated process for updating tags or custom fields across all platform areas. Manual updates are necessary in specific sections.
  3. Do automation triggers automatically update with a renamed campaign or automation?

    • Yes, automation triggers will automatically reflect the new name of a campaign or automation.
  4. Why don’t links in a campaign update automatically when renamed?

    • The CRM treats updated links as new objects. Therefore, the original link references remain unchanged, requiring manual updates to ensure the new link is used consistently across your account.
  5. How can I verify if all areas of my account reflect a name change?

    • After making a name change, it’s advisable to review all relevant areas, including segment conditions, automations, and campaign links, to ensure that the new name is correctly reflected.