Tag Trends Report

Learn how to run the tag trends report and what data it shows you.

The Tag Trends report in your CRM account shows you how tags are changing over time. It helps you see patterns, like how many contacts have a certain tag, which tags are used the most, and which tags are used the most during a specific time.

An image of the Tag Trends Report from the past three months

You can also do these things with the report:

  • Choose a date range to see information for a specific time period. It's best to keep it between 2-3 months so the report loads quickly.

  • Look at performance for all tags or just one tag.

  • Look closer at bar charts to see and download a list of contacts with a specific tag.

  • Export the Tag Details table to different file types like CSV, TXT, Excel, JSON, HTML, or Markdown.

Accessing The Tag Trends Report

To access the Tag Trends report, there are two ways you can do it:

Method 1:

  • Click on "Reports" in the left menu.

  • Then click on "Contacts" and select "Tag Trends."


Method 2:

  • Click on "Contacts" in the left menu.

  • Look for "Tag Trends" under the Reports section and click on it.


By default, the report will show you performance metrics for all tags within the last 14 days.

Filtering Data In The Tag Trends Report

To view data within a specific timeframe in the Tag Trends report, you can use the date range filters at the top of the report. Here's how:

  1. Click on either the start date field or the end date field.

  2. A pop-up calendar will appear, and you can select a date by clicking on it.

If you want to see how a particular tag has performed over time, you can use the "Tag" dropdown to filter the report. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Tag."

  2. Select the tag you want to view metrics for. Remember, you can only choose one tag at a time.

After setting your preferred date range and selecting a tag (if desired), the report page will reload with the updated tag trend data based on the parameters you have set.

Information Included In The Tag Trends Report

The Tag Trends report provides various statistics and charts to help you understand tag trends. Here's what each section means:

  1. Tag(s) Added to Contacts:

    • Shows the total number of tags added to contacts.

    • Also displays the average number of tags added per day to contacts.


  2. Contacts with Tag(s) Applied graph:

    • Illustrates the total number of contacts assigned a tag within your selected date range.

    • Hovering over a data point reveals the specific tag and the number of times it was added at that time.


  3. Most Used Tags within Date Range:

    • Presents the top five tags added to contacts within your chosen date range.

    • Helps identify which tags are used most frequently.

    • Hovering over a bar shows the number of times the tag was added to contacts.


  4. Most Used Tags Overall chart:

    • Displays the tags with the highest number of contacts overall in your account.

    • Hovering over a bar shows how many contacts currently have that tag within your selected time range.

  5. Tag Details table:

    • Lists all tags in your account along with their details.

    • Includes the tag name, beginning and ending dates of your selected range, contacts with the tag applied within the range, average contacts receiving the tag per day, and the total number of contacts with that tag.

    • You can sort the information by clicking on any column header.



Note: The Tag Details table can be accessed by scrolling down and hovering over the report data. It can also be exported for further use.

Exporting The Tag Details Table

To share the Tag Details table with your team and stakeholders, you can download it. Here's how:

  1. Hover your mouse over the Tag Details row. You'll see three vertical dots appear on the right side.


  2. Click on the three vertical dots, then select "Download Data."


  3. A modal popup will appear. In the popup, click on the dropdown menu labeled "File Format" and choose the format you want to download the data in. You can select from options like CSV, TXT, Excel (2007 or later), JSON, HTML, or Markdown file.


  4. After selecting the file format, click the "Download" button.

The table will be downloaded in the chosen file format and saved on your computer. You can then share it with your team and stakeholders as needed.