Sales Engagement Automation Report

The Sales Engagement Automation report is a tool that lets you access and analyze data on your automated 1:1 sales emails. Please note that this feature is only available on the Alpha Pro Plans.


This report provides valuable insights into how well your emails are performing, as well as information about prospect interactions. By using this report, you can track metrics such as email opens, click-throughs, reply rates, and bounces.

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using the Sales Engagement Automation report:

  • Access to this report requires permission, which can be granted by enabling the "Allow" checkbox for Sales Engagement in the Settings > Users and Groups > Groups section of your account.


  • The Opens metrics in the report may include opens from Apple Mail Privacy Protection.

  • To accurately track link clicks, make sure that the links in your 1:1 emails start with "https://". Links that do not start with this prefix will not be tracked.

The Opens metrics in the report may include opens from Apple Mail Privacy Protection.

To accurately track link clicks, make sure that the links in your 1:1 emails start with "https://". Links that do not start with this prefix will not be tracked.

View The Sales Engagement Automation Report

To view the Sales Engagement Automation report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Sales Engagement > All 1:1 Emails in your ActiveCampaign account.

    Alternatively, you can access the same report by going to Automations > Sales Engagement > All 1:1 Emails.


  2. Use the filters at the top of the report to customize the view based on specific criteria. You can filter by automation, sender, email sent date, 1:1 email, automation label, and event date.


  3. Scroll horizontally to see all the metrics related to your 1:1 email sends.

  4. Click on any column header to sort the data in the table.


  5. For more detailed information about your automated 1:1 emails, click on any data point in the table.