How to Use Conditional Content in WolfPack CRM

Maximize engagement and efficiency in WolfPack CRM with tailored communication using conditional content

What is Conditional Content?

Conditional content is a powerful feature in CRM systems that enables personalized communication with your contacts. By using conditional content in WolfPack CRM, you can tailor your messages based on specific criteria related to your contacts’ information or behavior.

Conditional content in WolfPack CRM allows you to display different content blocks within an email or marketing campaign based on certain conditions. These conditions can be based on contact data fields like demographics, past interactions, purchase history, or other custom fields.

Setting Up Conditional Content

1. Access the Email Designer: In WolfPack CRM, start by creating a new email campaign and access the email designer.

2. Add Content Blocks: Add various content blocks to your email. These can include text, images, and other elements that you want to make conditional.

3. Define Conditions: For each content block, click on a designated icon or menu option to access the conditional content settings.

Here, you will define the conditions that determine when a specific block is displayed in your email. These conditions can be based on different contact data fields, such as:

  • Demographic information (age, location, gender)

  • Behavioral data (purchase history, email engagement)

  • Custom fields specific to your CRM (membership status, interest categories)

4. Setting Multiple Conditions: You have the option to set multiple conditions for a single block.

For example, a content block can be set to appear only if a contact meets several criteria, such as being in a specific location and having a certain purchase history.

5. Choosing 'All' or 'Any' Conditions: Determine if the content block should appear when all conditions are met or if any one of the conditions is sufficient. This flexibility allows for more targeted content delivery.

6. Preview and Test: Once your conditions are set, use the preview feature in WolfPack CRM to see how your email appears under different scenarios. It's important to test your email to ensure that the conditional content behaves as expected.

7. Adjustments and Updates: After setting up your conditions, you can always return to adjust or update them. If you need to change your targeting or refine your content strategy, you can easily modify the conditions for each content block.

Use Cases for Conditional Content

Personalized Offers: Send targeted offers or discounts based on a contact’s previous purchases or expressed interests.

Segmented Messaging: Tailor messages for different audience segments, such as by location, age group, or customer type.

Event-Triggered Content: Use conditional content for event-triggered emails, like birthday greetings or membership renewals.

Why Create Conditional Content in WolfPack CRM?

Conditional content in WolfPack CRM offers a dynamic way to personalize your messaging in emails, campaigns, and larger automation sequences. This feature provides abundant personalization options, enhancing the relevance and impact of your communications.

Specialized Content Creation

  • Targeted Offers: For instance, when introducing a new product line, utilize conditional content to offer special discounts to contacts who have shown interest in that specific product. After crafting an email about a new product, add a conditional content block with a unique coupon code for those particularly interested.



    Screen highlighting where you could possibly add conditional content with a coupon code


    Screen for setting up conditional content rules



    Screen for how conditional content looks after being set up within the campaign


  • Personalized Product Recommendations: Conditional content isn't limited to text; it can include images or product recommendations. For example, you could create an email showcasing products for different demographics, such as men and women, and display them based on the contact's recorded gender.


    Screen for setting up conditional content rules

Leveraging Conditional Rules

  • Flexible Display Conditions: Use conditional rules to show content based on specific criteria, like a contact's interests or demographics. For example, display a discount for watches only to those who have indicated an interest in fashion accessories

  • Handling Limited Data: Even with incomplete data, conditional content can be effective. For example, if gender data is not comprehensive, set conditions to display content based on the available data, ensuring maximum reach.

Integration with Automation

  • Automated Personalization: Conditional content seamlessly integrates with WolfPack CRM's automation tools. For instance, you can create an automation triggered by a form completion, sending emails that resonate with the contact's expressed interests, like fashion accessories.

  • Dynamic Content in Automation: Within an automation sequence, set up emails that cater to various interests—watches, hats, suits—and display specific content blocks based on the contact's indicated preferences. This ensures that each contact receives information relevant to their tastes.



Benefits of Conditional Content

Increased Engagement: Personalized content is more likely to engage and resonate with your audience.

Better Conversion Rates: Targeted messages are more effective in driving conversions.

Efficient Communication: Reduce the number of emails sent while increasing their effectiveness.