How To Segment Contacts When Sending A Mass Email

This article explains how to segment your contacts before sending out a mass email.

Sending targeted email campaigns to list segments is one of the most effective ways to reach your contacts. With segmentation, you can create custom groups of contacts and send highly personalized messages that are tailored to their interests and needs. This will not only lead to higher open and click-through rates, but will also help to strengthen your relationship with your contacts and result in more sales. Plus, you can use any information available in the segment builder, including tags, standard and custom fields, website visits, contact or deal score, and more. Segmentation is a powerful tool that you shouldn't overlook when sending campaigns.


Segmentation is a powerful tool to unlock the potential of your CRM. By segmenting your contacts, you can better understand their behaviors and interests. Segments can be defined by a variety of criteria, including contact's status, interests, inspection history, anniversary dates, or even birthdays.


By creating segments, you can send out personalized messages such as 15% coupons to celebrate a birthday or an inspection milestone. Not only will this make your customers feel special, but it will also help you to better target your marketing messages.


If you're looking to gain a better understanding of your contacts' interactions with your website, emails, and CRM, you can use segments to uncover valuable data. Segments provide the ability to see who has clicked on your website, opened or clicked links in your campaigns, completed an automation process, or gone through a pipeline in your CRM. With segmentation, you can start to calculate data and see how many customers actually meet certain criteria.

Limitations in Segment Conditions

With the Segment Builder, you can use virtually any available information to create an effective segment. However, there are some limitations to the number of conditions you can use in one segment:

  1. A maximum of 20 conditions can be used in a segment.

  2. Up to 5 "Action" type conditions can be used. (This includes any condition under the "Actions" tab in the Segment Builder.)

  3. You can use up to 3 conditions that use the "Contains" operator.

Looking to create a segment in your Advanced Search? Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Click "Contacts" to access the Contacts Overview page and view your contacts information.

  2. Click the "Search contacts" field, then click the "Advanced Search" button to access more options to find the contacts you need.

  3. Create your segment condition quickly and easily with our segment builder! Simply click the left-most field that says "(Select a condition)" at the top of the page and you will be presented with a dropdown menu of condition categories. With this menu, you can quickly and easily create your segment condition.

  4. Click any category to explore its conditions, then click the segment condition you want to use. For example, let's try "Actions". See what options are available to you, and select the one that best fits your needs.

  5. Depending on the search condition you select, you may need to choose an operator when defining your own search criteria. To do this, simply click the middle field and select the operator you would like to use from the drop-down menu. By selecting the appropriate operator you can refine your search results and get the most out of your search.

  6. To create a segment using the Advanced Search option, next you'll need to provide a value for your segment. Check out the example below to see how easy it is to create segments using our Advanced Search option! With this powerful tool, you can quickly and easily tailor your segmentation to target the exact audience you're looking for.

  7. Click the "Search" button to find all contacts who meet your conditions. The page will reload and the segment builder will expand and display your conditions.

  8. To save the segment, type the name of the segment in the modal window and click "Save As Segment" to save your selection. Finally, click "Save" to complete the process.

How To Add Multiple Conditions To Your Segment?

You can create more detailed segments by adding multiple conditions. When adding a new condition to your segment, you can decide if the segment should include contacts that match both requirements or just one of them.

To add another condition to your segment, simply click the "+ Add another condition" button. This will open up a new row where you can define another requirement.

With this option, you can create a segment of contacts who must meet both conditions in order to be pulled in. Using the toggle, you can specify whether the additional condition should be added with "And" or "Or" logic.

  • By selecting "And," only contacts who match both conditions will be pulled into the segment.

  • By selecting OR. This way, you can easily find all contacts that meet either of the criteria you've specified.

  • If you need to combine "And" with "Or" logic in a single segment group, you will need to create a new segment group. Note that you cannot combine "And" and "Or" logic in the same segment group. To ensure accuracy, use separate segment groups for each of your conditions.

When and where to use and/or conditions in your CRM segments?

Creating segments using AND/OR logic can be confusing, especially when the results don't match your expectations. In this guide, we will explain the differences between "AND" and "OR" logic and how they work when applying positive and negative conditions (eg, is in list, tag exists, not in list, tag does not exist, etc). We'll provide examples to help you better understand how to use these conditions to create more accurate and effective segments.

"AND" logic condition

With the "AND" logic condition, our system will include contacts that meet all conditions in your segment. This is helpful in narrowing down your contacts, as each of the conditions you set must be fulfilled in order for the contact to be included in the segment.

Below are three examples that illustrate what "AND" logic can do and what outcomes you can expect to see:

Example 1: "AND" Logic with positive conditions

Let's say you are creating a segment that is using “AND” logic with the following positive conditions:

The contacts that will be included in this segment are those who have the tags "birthday", "crmtraining" and "dengroup"

Our system will only include contacts that meet all three of the conditions. Contacts that do not meet any of the three conditions will not be included in the segment.

Example 2: "AND" logic with negative conditions

Now it's time to create a segment using "AND" logic with negative conditions: Identify the criteria you want to exclude from your segment and add them as negative conditions. This will help to narrow down your segment and ensure you are only targeting the people who meet your criteria.

Our system will ensure only those contacts who do not possess any of the tags you've specified in your segment are included.

If a contact has one of the tags – let's say, the “Address Updated” tag – but none of the others, they won't be included in your segment as they failed the “Tag does not exist Address Updated” condition.

It may be easier to think of “AND” logic with negative conditions like “NOR” statements. For instance, a contact is not part of the segment if they don't have the tag, “Address Updated,” nor the tag, “subscriber,” nor the tag, “leadtracking.”

Example 3: "AND" logic with both positive and negative conditions

Third example: let's say you are creating a segment that uses both positive and negative conditions with the logic of “AND”. This will allow you to create a more targeted segment that will help you better understand the behavior of your customers.

Our system will include contacts who do not have both the "Address Updated" and "leadtracking" tags, but not the "AustinSummit" tag. Contacts with all three tags will not be included in this segment, as they do not meet the requirement of having the "Austin Summit" tag.

"OR" logic condition

With the "OR" logic condition, our system will look at each condition independently. This means that contacts only need to meet one of your conditions in order to be included. Conditions in this type of segment are NOT dependent on each other, so "OR" conditions will broaden your results.

To illustrate this concept clearly, here are three examples of "OR" logic and the outcomes you can expect to see:

Example 1: "OR" Logic with positive conditions

Let's say you are creating a segment that is using “OR” logic with positive conditions:

Our system uses advanced search algorithms to look for and include contacts who meet the criteria for your segment. First, we check to see if any of your contacts have the "Address Updated" tag. If we locate any contacts with that tag, they will be added to the segment.

We then check to see if any of your contacts have the "AustinSummit" tag. If any contacts have this tag, they too will be included in the segment.

Lastly, we look for contacts who have the "leadtracking" tag. If any contacts have this tag, they too will be included in the segment.

Because these conditions are independent of one another, it will include contacts who meet only one out of the three criteria. For example, if a contact has the "Address Updated" tag but does not have the other two tags, they will still be included in your segment.

Example 2: "OR" logic with negative conditions

Now, let's say you are using "OR" logic with negative conditions to create a segment: this allows you to quickly and easily exclude certain criteria from your target audience, helping you to more accurately reach the people you need for your campaign.

This is how our system looks for and includes contacts based on this type of segment:

  1. We will first check to see if any of your contacts do NOT have the "Address Updated" tag. If we locate any contacts that do not have that tag, they are included in your segment.

  2. We will then check to see if any of your contacts do NOT have the "AustinSummit" tag. If we locate any contacts that do not have that tag, they too are included in your segment.

  3. Lastly, we will check to see if any of your contacts do NOT have the tag, "leadtracking" If we locate any contacts that do not have that tag, they too are added to your segment.

You only need to include contacts in your segment if they meet one of the conditions you set. For example, if a contact does not have the "Address Updated" tag but does have the "AustinSummit" tag, they will still be included in your segment as they meet the “Tag does NOT exist Address Updated” condition.

If you want to exclude contacts who do not have any of the "Address Updated, "AustinSummit", or "leadtracking" tags, we recommend using an “And” statement rather than an “Or” statement. This way, contacts who do not meet any of the conditions will not be included in your segment.

Example 3: "OR" logic with both positive and negative conditions

For example, if you wanted to create a segment using a combination of positive and negative statements, you could use the "OR" logic condition. For example, you could select the statement "I like X product" OR "I don't like X product" to determine whether a potential customer falls into the segment or not.

Our system looks for and includes contacts based on their tags to help you create the perfect segment.

First, we search for contacts with the "Address Updated" tag. If any contacts are found with that tag, they will be added to your segment.

Second, we look for contacts who do NOT have the "AustinSummit" tag. If any contacts are found without that tag, they too are included in your segment.

Third, we'll look for contacts who DO have the tag, "leadtracking" If any contacts are found with that tag, they too are added to your segment.

Finally, if a contact has both the "AustinSummit" tag and the "leadtracking" tag, they still qualify and will be included in your segment - this is because they have satisfied the “Tag Exists Address Updated” condition.

Now you have all the contacts you need to create a segment tailored to you.

Create Segment Groups

Segment Groups let you create powerful Advanced Searches and Segments by combining multiple conditions using "And and Or" logic. This is especially useful when you have a complex set of criteria that you would like to apply to your contacts.

For example, you could have one segment group that looks for contacts who have a certain tag and are subscribed to a certain list, and another segment group that looks for contacts who have gone through a certain automation or visited a page on your site.

To add a segment group, simply click the "Add a New Segment Group" button and follow the steps to create the segment conditions. With Segment Groups, you can easily create highly targeted Segments and Advanced Searches to uncover valuable insights about your contacts.

How to create a segment during campaign creation

Creating a segment during the campaign creation process is easier than ever! With our streamlined process, you can quickly create a segment without having to navigate away from your campaign. This allows you to save time and create more effective campaigns.

  1. Create an effective campaign with ease by using the Campaigns overview page.

  2. When you're at the "List" stage of the campaign creation process, you'll be asked to select the list of contacts who should receive the campaign.

  3. Check the box next to the lists you want to send to and a new option will appear - “Segment Selected Lists”.

  4. If you already created a segment, simply click the "Select a segment" dropdown and click the segment you wish to use.

  5. To create a new segment from this page, click "Create New Segment" and a modal window will appear.

  6. Type the segment name into the field provided and click the "Add Your First Condition" button to begin building your segment.

  7. Use the segment builder to create your segment and when you're done adding your conditions, click "Done" and the segment you created should be selected in the segment dropdown.

  8. Finally, click “Next” in the upper right-hand corner to continue to the design step of the campaign creation process.

Customer segmentation allows you to gain greater insight into the unique needs and challenges of each of your customers. By customizing your content, campaigns, and ads to each segment, you can increase conversion rates and maximize ROI. Targeting certain segments of customers with messaging that resonates with them will enable you to better meet their needs, resulting in higher satisfaction and loyalty.