An overview of the deals page.
What Are Deals?
Deals is a place for monitoring your sales processes. A deal is a record of a qualified lead, i.e. someone/thing you can conduct business with.
What Makes Up A Deal?
Deals are made with the following:
A deal name.
Contact(s) associated with the deal/lead.
Estimated deal value (what you are estimated to close).
A deal owner (who is responsible for closing the deal).
A deal pipeline and stage.
Deal Record
Stages & Pipelines
Deals move between stages of different pipelines. In other words, leads move through different stages of your sales funnel.
Deals help monitor your sales processes and track sales performance by noting the deal status as open, won, or lost.
Open Deals
Open deals are deals that have not yet closed/converted.
Won Deals
Won deals are deals that have converted and resulted in a sale.
With scheduling software integrations (Spectora, ISN, & FieldRoutes), WolfPack automatically marks deals as won when a lead converts as long as the email for the contact matches what's stored in the deal.
Lost Deals
Lost deals are deals that have not converted and are no longer qualified leads.
Deal Records
When you click on a deal from the pipeline view, you can view additional details and take action on deals.
Here are some of the actions you can use with deals:
View deal/contact information and update deal records through custom fields.
Add/assign tasks.
Send emails or saved responses.
Add deal notes.
Add files.
View past email communication.
View the contacts associated with a deal.
View all recent activity for the deal.
How To Use Deals
To use deals, ensure a deal is created for every lead/prospect. You can create deals automatically through automations.
Important - Home Inspection Companies
Deals are automatically created for home inspection companies. The standard automations automatically add deals for the following leads/contacts:
New Buyer's Agents
New Listing Agents
Contacts entering the prospecting or presentation followup automations
Inactive Agents
Those deals automatically enter the following corresponding pipelines:
New BAs
New LAs
Inactive Agents
Using Deals
Once a deal is created, you can create or automatically create tasks to follow up with your leads.
Use the deal fields to store custom deal information. Or, send emails directly to contacts from the deal view.
Once a deal converts, ensure the deal status is updated to won. Then, view reports to review your deal performance.