Creating A Website Popup

How to create a website popup to capture leads.

With a website popup, you can capture leads/visitors on your website and have their information automatically listed in WolfPack CRM.

To create a website popup, you must be on the plus plan.

Creating Your Form

To get started, navigate to the site tab, then the forms subpage. Click “Create a Form” on the top right. Give the form a name and select the floating bar, floating box, or modular form styles. You will need to list your website URL once you select your form style.

Finally, give your form an action. Most often, companies will want to subscribe contacts to an email list or add a tag to show where the person came from. Once you filled out your action, hit create.

From here, while using the right sidebar, you can design your form. Watch the video below for more detail on designing your form.

Installing Your Form To Your Website

If you are a WolfPack website hosting client, we can install your website popup for you. Just email [email protected] .

To install the code on your website, you will want to place the code in between the <head> tags of every page you want the form on. It’s best to contact a web developer or your website hosting provider for assistance if you are unsure how to do this.