Core Automation Overview

What core automations do and how they work.


Overview of Core Automation

This article provides an overview of the core automation used in our system. Core automation is labeled as "core automation do not touch" because it can significantly affect your accounts. Only adjust this automation if instructed by our support team or another team member.

Introduction to Core Automation

Core automation plays a crucial role in managing your accounts. These automations should not be modified unless directed by our support team. Let's start by understanding the BA flow and LA flow automation.

BA Flow and LA Flow Automation

Purpose and Function

The BA flow and LA flow automation manage the integration of buyer's agents and listing agents into your system. When agents are ported over from scheduling software like ISN or Spectra, they are automatically added to these automation.

Key Steps

1. Automatic Addition: Agents are automatically added to the BA or LA flow automation.

2. Inspection Count Update: These automations update the number of inspections (lifetime and year-to-date).

3. Unsubscribe Filter: Checks if contacts have the "LA unsubscribed" or "BA unsubscribed" tags to prevent resubscribing.

4. Inactive Status Check: Removes "inactive" tags if the agent works with you again.

5. New Agent Check: Determines if the contact is a new agent and, if so, enters them into the duplicate check automation.

Handling New and Existing Agents

New Buyer’s Agents

For new buyer’s agents, the system checks if they are brand new to the company. If they are, they enter the "duplicate check buyer's agent" automation. If they are not new, the automation ends without further action.

New Listing Agents

Similarly, for new listing agents, the system checks if they are new and enters them into the "duplicate check listing agent" automation if necessary. If they are not new, the automation ends.

Duplicate Check Automation

These automations cross-reference contacts in a separate database to identify potential duplicates.


1. Post Contact Info: Contact information is sent to a separate database.

2. Cross-Referencing: The system waits for three days to cross-reference the data.

3. Notification for Possible Duplicates: If a potential duplicate is found, a notification is sent to your team.

4. Handling Potential Duplicates: Your team has three days to merge potential duplicates if necessary.

Handling Duplicate and Unique Contacts

Duplicate Contacts

If a duplicate is found, the system checks if the number of inspections (lifetime) is greater than or equal to one and ends the automation. This ensures that duplicates are handled appropriately and do not disrupt the workflow.

Unique Contacts

If no duplicate is found, the system continues, treating the contact as unique. The automation then proceeds to either the "new BA" or "new LA" automation as applicable.

LA and BA Unsubscribe Automation


These automations handle unsubscribes for listing agents (LA) and buyer’s agents (BA).


1. Add Unsubscribe Tag: When a contact unsubscribes, a tag is added to prevent resubscribing.

2. Integration with Other Automation: These tags are used in the BA and LA flow automation to ensure contacts aren't resubscribed.

Year-to-Date Reset Automation


This automation resets the year-to-date inspection counts.


1. Subscribe Check: Waits for seven days after a contact subscribes to any list.

2. Reset Counts: On January 1, reset the year-to-date inspection counts for both buyer’s agents and listing agents.

3. Repetition: The process repeats annually to ensure accurate year-to-date counts.


Core automation is essential for the smooth operation of your system. They manage key processes like agent integration, duplicate checking, and unsubscribes. If you have questions about these core automation, use the chat bubble at the bottom of the screen to access more training videos or reach out to our support team.