Contact Limits

How to check your contact limit and what to do if you are reaching capacity

What Are Contact Limits?

Contact limits are limits to the number of unique contacts you can subscribe to your email lists in total.

Contacts that are in your CRM, but not subscribed to an email list are not counted towards your contact limit.

Our contact limits vary based on the tier. Below are the tiers of contact limits. Pricing will vary by plan.

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How To Check Your Contact Limit & Usage

You can find your current contact limit and usage by logging into the main admin account.

This is the user account without an option to delete it in your user's panel (no checkbox next to the username). This is also usually the person that initially signed up for your CRM with WolfPack.

Once logged in, you can click your user profile on the bottom left corner to see current usage and limits.

What To Do If You Are Approaching Your Contact Limit

Once you pass your contact limit, WolfPack will block all mass emails from sending. We will not auto-upgrade your account.

To assist you in managing the number of contacts in your account, you may choose one of the following recommendations:

1. You may remove contacts from your email lists to stay under your current contact limit.

Please note that active contacts (those in your email lists) count toward your contact limit (the number that is used to determine your billing plan). So removing them/manually unsubscribing them from your email lists can also free up your contact limit.


2. In addition, if you are on the professional plan, you can use 1:1 emails to automate email campaigns without adding contacts to email lists.


3. If your contact list continues to grow as a result of new prospects conducting business with you, you can upgrade your contact tier bracket by contacting support. We will invoice you for the upgrade and upgrade your contact tier bracket.


You can also send an email to or send us a chat via Hubspot and we will assist you with the account upgrade.


It is important to keep track of the number of contacts in your account in order to avoid problems when importing contacts in the future.